Yves Denéchère is a Professor of Modern History at l’université d’Angers, and the director of the Temps, Mondes, Sociétés laboratory (TEMOS, CNRS UMR 9016). His work cuts across transnational history, humanitarian history, the history of childhood, and women’s and gender history from the twentieth century to the present. He co-edited, with J.-M. Delaunay, Femmes et relations internationales au xxe siècle (Paris, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2006), and published Ces Françaises qui ont fait l’Europe (Paris, Audibert, 2007). On the transnational dimension of childhood, he has published Des enfants venus de loin. Histoire de l’adoption internationale en France (Paris, Armand Colin, 2011); co-edited Droits des enfants au xxe siècle. Pour une histoire transnationale (Rennes, PUR, 2015) with D. Niget; and edited Enjeux postcoloniaux de l’enfance et de la jeunesse. Espace francophone (1945-1980) (Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2019). He also coordinates the interdisciplinary research program EnJeu[x] Enfance et Jeunesse. His current research focuses on the forced migration of children in the context of decolonization.
